Poem I Wrote For Creative Writing!

For my creative writing, we were told to write a poem. There were no restrictions, so true to the name, this was all totally creative. During this whole poetry unit, I have learned that I like to read and write poems that tell a story, whether it's something longer, like Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven" or something a bit shorter like mine (Not that I am to be compared to Edgar Allen Poe, the man is a poetic legend). So, when I wrote this poem, I came up with a story similar to how I would have if it were a normal one of my stories. I believe it is important for authors to test the waters and try different styles of writing. They may not enjoy different styles as much as they do their own, but it's always nice to try something different.

Ode to the Torn Doll

The doll was beautiful

And full of life

Her hair streaming down 

swaying weightlessly as she moves 

The freckles on her face like constellations 

In the clear night sky

The doll was beautiful

Until she was torn apart

Her soft cotton blown away 

By the winds of unfortunate circumstance

They tried to sew her back together

And gave to her all the cotton they could

“It’s like it never happened,” They said

They were almost right

The torn doll is beautiful

The beautiful colours of her eyes 

Seeming to change with the weather

A storm of emotion 

The torn doll is beautiful

But the woven scar stays forever beneath the fabric.


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